Imagine suddenly losing access to your company’s critical data, even if it’s only for a short time. It’s the stuff of nightmares for any business.

Backup tools are designed to save copies of your data and store them safely. In theory, if something goes wrong, recovery tools can restore your lost files. But here’s the catch: just because you have backup and recovery tools doesn’t mean your data is truly safe.

A recent study reveals a surprising truth: backup tools aren’t as foolproof as we think. In fact, 1 in 3 data losses is linked to backup failures. That means businesses trying to recover their data are often shocked to find it’s either lost or corrupted.

It’s Not Just About Faulty Backups—There’s a Bigger Threat

One of the most dangerous threats businesses face today is ransomware. This malicious software locks you out of your files unless you pay a ransom. Unfortunately, relying on your backup tools won’t always save you.

According to the study, 50% of companies with backup tools still ended up paying the ransom, simply because it was faster than trying to restore files using their own systems. Even worse? Most of those who paid never fully recovered their data.

So, Why Are Backup Tools Failing?

The reasons vary. Often, backup tools fail because they haven’t been properly set up, or businesses aren’t regularly verifying that the tools are still working correctly. Even if your backups are in place, older systems can’t always defend against the sophisticated cyberattacks we see today.

The Solution? Proactive Data Protection

Creating and maintaining a robust backup system isn’t easy—but that’s where we come in. Our IT experts ensure your backup tools are functioning correctly every single day. We can also implement additional safeguards, like Continuous Data Protection (CDP), which automatically saves every change you make to your files. If you’re ever hit with a cyberattack or data loss, you can go back and restore your data to just before the incident.

This is what we do for businesses like yours every day. Want peace of mind? Get in touch—we’re here to help.