Is Your Business Ready To Work From Home Amidst COVID – 19?

With everything that is going on in the world and close to home here in the GTA, panicking is not an option for any of us.

In the next couple of days, Working from Home is not going to be an option but a possible mandatory step to control the spread of COVID – 19 (coronavirus), which means you have to take some critical decisions NOW.

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity is no longer just an IT issue, especially during a pandemic like we are in right now.

At Idealogical, here is how we are dealing with the coronavirus pandemic:

  • Closely working with vendors and partners and taking weekly updates on procurement delays
  • Providing the tech support team with additional mitigation training to lower the effects on SLAs
  • Hosting an organization-wide ‘Work From Home Drill’ in response to a possible quarantine situation with all of the Idealogical employees
  • Pausing ALL on-site visits for the safety of Idealogical employees
  • Assisting in executing Work From Home solutions for our clients as a part of the Idealogical Pandemic Planning (which was implemented after the direction from the WHO, not the media)

Idealogical is capable of functioning even if the entire company is quarantined, which was demonstrated by our successful mock quarantine drill that was conducted Thursday March 12, 2020.

Are you wondering how you can prepare your business to Work from Home?

Thanks to Idealogical Disaster Recovery Plan, we are able to continue our operations even under quarantine circumstances. 70% of our clients have announced an organization-wide mandatory Work from Home policy for all their employees, and as their IT service provider, we were able to smoothly set-up more than 200 users to work from home in less than 48 hours.


In all honesty, Coronavirus or not, the key to deal with extreme situations like the coronavirus pandemic is to have a plan, execute it with clear communication and have the right tools that will empower the employees to work from home without any interruptions.

Our team is doing just that, and our clients are being given all the support they need to help them with their pandemic planning SMOOTHLY. There are tools and technologies that can be used to help mitigate any concerns you or your team may have and allow them to work remotely in these uncertain times.

Here are some quick tips for you to review if your IT team or IT service provider has a plan in place

  • Your company should address a variety of contingencies that could disrupt your business, including potential pandemics. Such plans should be sufficiently flexible and reflect the firm’s size, complexity, and business activities.
  • Having your telephone system set up to have worked at home employees is key.
  • Make sure your current system can handle remote workers.
  • Remote telephones and/or softphones for PC/laptops are the most common devices.

If you require assistance to find out if your current system can support remote workers, a proactive program or if you want us to help you with your Pandemic planning, let Idealogical know. We can help you build a solution to ensure your company’s business continuity and disaster recovery plans are kept up-to-date and supportive of your business operations.

Please feel free to reach out to me at [email protected] or 905-474-772 ext. 102.