Are Basic Security Tools Enough to Prevent An Attack?

Are Basic Security Tools Enough to Prevent An Attack?

Lately, owners are having a host of issues that keeps them up at night, but did you know cybersecurity is at the top of the list?

According to a recent study ‘Canadian Cybersecurity Trends Study 2022’,  cyberattacks have been happening more frequently across the country, affecting all organizations and industries.

It is becoming apparent, as to what sets 2021 and 2022 apart, and it is the evolution of attacks from various threat actor groups.

It is alarming to see that ransomware is still the preferred attack amongst cybercriminals, and, it is becoming increasingly costly for Canadian organizations, with payments routinely exceeding the US $1 million mark.

Ransomware will continue to be the preferred attack because threat-actor groups can easily take advantage of security flaws in an organization’s supply chain or third-party tools.

That is why, here at Idealogical, we continue to adapt and evolve our tools to compete with ever-new attacks.

Our very own Andre De Lacerda, Director of Technical Operations, recommends organizations to have both Signature and behavioural-based tools in place to protect their cyber posture. In simple terms, Signature-based tools are for known issues, where the execution is blocked much earlier, and doesn’t let the software execution even initiate in the system. Whereas behaviour-based tools can block some Zero-day exploits, the execution does run in the system, which triggers suspicious behaviour, which leads to quartantine.

Both signature-based and behaviour-based tools will not replace the other but complement one another. As a result, the most up-to-date security will come from utilizing both. This is security in layers; they are different forms of protection and work together.

To find out more, read our latest blog on signature-based and behaviour-based tools here:

How Good Is Your Machine?

By Anthony Francis

Most machines today, purchased within the last five years, are capable of handling 90% of the workload.How many people complain daily about their machine being slow, not working properly, applications freezing, USB ports not working, or having issues connecting to the Internet?

It’s not your machine’s fault.

It’s Monday, you start your machine up, you run through a full day of work, at the end of the workday, you’re ready to head out, you lock the machine and out you go. You make your way home; you enjoy the evening have dinner, and then go off to sleep. All this time, your machine is still running.

Tuesday, you’re back at it, at your desk, sipping on your 2nd cup of coffee for the morning. Press a few buttons, and you are back in and working again on your machine. After another productive day is completed, you head home and go through the evening routine. Your machine is still running.

Wednesday, same thing. It’s Hump Day. The day starts to drag, and it finally ends, and out from work you go. You don’t notice it yet, but your machine is slowly starting to drag, and it is still running.

Thursday, 10 o’clock, you’re now on your 3rd coffee of the day; everything you try to do, is going so slow, the work is piling up, and nothing seems to be moving fast enough, especially your machine. You get through 90% of the pile; the rest can wait till the morning. Out you go, ready for the evening to rest and recharge. Your machine is still running there in the office.

Friday, you’re logged in, and the applications have issues loading as quickly as you would like. Your machine freezes periodically, opening documents, you curse that machine and call IT to complain about it. You wish the day would end soon. Your machine is still running.

Your machine is just a machine, just as a car is a car. Think of your machine as a car. Ask yourself, would you start your car’s engine, drive to work, leave it running for the day, drive it back home, park it up, sleep, and leave the engine running? Would you leave your car running for days and weeks at a time?

Think of the Effects:

  • Energy consumption
  • Cost of Energy
  • Wear and Tear
  • Resources do not get to reset
  • Performance is degraded and unstable

Think of the Benefits:

  • Power Savings
  • Cost Savings
  • Reduced Wear and Tear
  • Refreshed Resources
  • Performance is optimal and stable

So folks, this is why Accounting would like for you to turn off your machine at night.

  1. Energy consumption
  2. Cost of Energy
  3. Wear and Tear

This is why IT always suggests that you restart your machine regularly.

  1. To prevent wear and tear
  2. Resources do not get to reset
  3. Performance is optimal and stable

Save everyone the headache. Practice Responsible Computing. Restart Frequently / Shutdown Weekly

How To Become Active At Your Desk Job!

As IT folks, we are aware of the disadvantages of working at a desk for 40 hours a week, and with it coming into the busy season, alongside mundane chores, commuting, etc., it is impossible to get workouts in,

Daily exercise is proven to help you get into shape and stay healthy, boost your endorphins, and relieve stress. Sadly, we aren’t like our Project Coordinator Jonathan going to the gym at the crack of dawn or quickly after work; we are inspired to be him.

Here at Idealogical, we have different methods to ensure that exercise is a part of our daily lives.

Going For Post Meal-Walks

The walking crew, Joanna, Taylor, Alicia and Vicky, will go on daily post-meal strolls around the building during their lunch break. Crazy enough, just going for a quick walk around the block after eating has its perks.

Walking will improve digestion; you’re helping things move within your body as you process the food you just ate, eliminating the sluggish feeling after lunch.

It will also improve blood flow; when you’re walking, you’re letting your body pump more blood through it, transporting the necessary nutrients to bones, and muscles, and allowing your organs to work more efficiently.

Biking To And From Work

Alicia, one of our procurement team members,  cycles  to work  every  morning.

If it isn’t apparent, biking to work will save you money (especially with the cost of gas in Toronto) and also help the environment. It’s proven that biking is good for the heart; regular “aerobic exercise decreases the risk of developing severe heart disease and vascular disease.

Riding to work will also help you build muscles around the hamstrings, glutes, calves, and quads, making your commute a sustainable, effective workout.

Under The Desk Treadmill

Klea here; our business developer is testing out the benefits of having a treadmill under her desk. She feels that having the treadmill at her desk has become life-changing as it brings its specific benefits from improving mental health, physical wellness and job performance.

Sitting for long periods can lead to severe complications, affecting your health, performance, and engagement.


Idealogical Advises:

We ask all our clients to think about rallying their co-workers and creating an in-office fitness routine or having healthy competition.

Keep an eye out for our LinkedIn posts in September, you may see our next health fitness competition.

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