

Why Is Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) Important?

Two-Factor Authentication is an electronic verification method that requires a person to provide two forms of identity proof before accessing an application, network or web site. From simple phishing attacks to the constantly evolving sophisticated methods like spear-phishing, credential stuffing and social engineering, there are

How To Protect Children From Online Threats

The internet has become a fundamental part of our lives for quite some time now. With the positive results of easy access to interactive learning through digitization comes the risks like cyber threats and cyberbullying. According to 219 data on cyberbullying through Canadian Health Survey

October: Cyber Security Awareness Month

As the coronavirus continues to make us work from home, the cybercriminals are getting laser-focused at finding their next target. These hackers are mainly focused on attacking small and medium-sized businesses because the hackers know that SMBs are focused on surviving in this challenging time.

How To Activate MFA For Your Favourite Smartphone Apps

Multi-factor Authentication is an added layer of protection you can add to the sign-in process for your devices, apps and online account. The security of your personal information is as important as your work data. You don’t want your banking, health or other confidential information

Top 5 Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) Software For Canada

Two-factor Authentication or 2FA is an enhanced security layer to your sign-in process for your devices, apps, and online accounts. There are three ways an 2FA sign-in verification functions – by entering physical codes from an app, approving sign-in with a click on an app

Evite Cyber Attack Incident Confirmed

In Mid-April, reports were circulating on the internet that the e-card company Evite was hacked by a self-identified hacker who claimed to have attached 44 companies in total. The hacker has confirmed that – since mid-February, he has been putting batches of hacked data on

May 2020: Cyber-attack At York University

This time cybercrime hit close to home. May 2, 2020, York University was hit by a ‘major cyber incident’ that affected their Office 365, website, on-campus access to the internet, VPN for remote access, CRM for student email communication, internal drives and more.   Cyber

Work From Home: Microsoft Teams Quick Guide

Working from Home due to coronavirus related stay at home orders? New to some of the remote working tools like Microsoft Teams? Here is a Quick User Guide for Microsoft Teams. Microsoft Teams Quick Start Guide Here is the overview of some of the key
